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Placement of Blue Name Tag and Green Name Tape

Green Nametape


This is to be sewn on the green FTU jacket. Navy blue thread is ideal to follow the border of the nametape.


<-- Please see the image for positioning on the RIGHT side of the chest.

Blue Name Tag

This is to be pinned, centered, directly above the right breast pocket of the blue tunic or blue button shirt, if in summer dress. If you have received a medal, the nametag is worn 0.5 cm above the ribbon or medal.

name tag.png
name tag with medal.png

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1. This is an unofficial cadet website that is NOT intended to represent in any way the policies or procedures of either the Department of National Defense, the Canadian Armed Forces, or the Air Cadet League of Canada. This is NOT a Canadian Armed Forces website. The website is maintrained on behalf of the local sponsoring comittee of 614 Forest City Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron.


2. This website is intended for use by the cadets and parents of 614 Squadron, and prospective cadets and their parents, staff, and the local sponsoring comitte. The objective is to provide basic information aboutt the function of the squadron and to inform cadets, parents, and the local community about the Cadet Program and various events that will be taking place.​

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