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Common Acronyms


2IC - Second In Command

2LT - Second Lieutenant

AASC - Advanced Aerospace Course

AATCAM - Advanced Aviation Technology Course - Aircraft Maintenance

AATCAO - Advanced Aviation Technology Course - Airport Operations

AC - Air Cadet

ACA - Area Cadet Adviser

ACK - Acknowledged

ACLC - Air Cadet League of Canada

ACNSTC - Air Cadet National Summer Training Course

ACO - Area Cadet Officer

ACR - Annual Ceremonial Review

ACSTC - Air Cadet Summer Training Centre

ADJ - Adjutant

ADMIN - Administration

ADMO - Administration Officer

AGM - Annual General Meeting

AIC - Athletic Instructor Course

AKA - Also Known As

ARMIC - Air Rifle Marksmanship Instructor Course

ASU - Area Support Unit

AWOL - Absent Without Leave

BAC - Basic Aviation Course

BATAC - Basic Aviation Technology & Aerospace Course

BFSC - Basic Fitness & Sports Course

BGEN - Brigadier General

BLC - Basic Leadership Course 

BSC - Basic Survival Course

CAF - Canadian Armed Forces

CAPT - Captain

CATO - Cadet Administrative & Training Orders

CCO - Canadian Cadet Organization

CF - Canadian Forces

CF201 - Candian Forces Manual of Drill & Ceremonial

CFB - Canadian Forces Base

CFTC - Cadet Flying Training Centre

CI - Civilian Instructor

CIC - Cadet Instructor Cadre

CIC - Cadet In Charge

CIV - Civilian

CO - Commanding Officer

COL - Colonel

CPL - Corporal

CSC - Cadet Squadron Commander

CSTC - Cadet Summer Training Centre

CTC - Cadet Training Centre

CV - Civilian Volunteer

DCO - Deputy Commanding Officer

DET - Detachment

DND - Department of National Defence

EO - Enabling Objective

ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival

ETD - Estimated Time of Departure

F/CPL - Flight Corporal

F/SGT - Flight Sergeant

FLT - Flight

FSIC - Fitness & Sports Instructors Course

FTX - Field Training Exercise

GCK - General Cadet Knowledge

GEN - General

GMT - Greenwich Mean Time

GPS - Glider Pilot Scholarship

GT / GTC - General Training Course

HQ - Headquarters

HRS - Hours (ie time on 24 hour clock)

IACE - International Air Cadet Exchange

IAW - In Accordance With

IC - In Charge

IG - Instructional Guide

ILO - In Lieu Of

IMP - Individual Meal Packet

IT SMC - Information Technology Service Management Centre

LAC - Leading Air Cadet

LCOL - Lieutenant Colonel

LGEN - Lieutenant General

LHQ - Local Headquarters

LT - Lieutenant

MAJ - Major

MGEN - Major General

MRB - Merit Review Board

MRE - Meal Ready to Eat

NC AIR OPS - National Cadet Air Operations

NCO - Non Commissioned Officer

NDA - Nationally Directed Activity

NDHQ - National Defence Headquarters

NLT - No Later Than

O/CDT - Officer Cadet

OIC - Officer In Charge

OP - Operation

OPC - Ontario Provincial Committee

OPI - Office of Primary Interest

PC - Provincial Committee

PMV - Personal Motor Vehicle

PO - Performance Objective

PPS - Power Pilot Scholarship

PSRY - Positive Social Relations for Youth

QR&O - Queens Regulations & Orders

QSP - Qualification Standard and Plan

RCAC - Royal Canadian Air Cadets

RCACC - Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps

RCACS - Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron

RCAF - Royal Canadian Air Force

RCSCC - Royal Candian Sea Cadet Corps

RCSU - Regional Cadet Support Unit

RO - Reviewing Officer

RSO - Range Safety Officer

RV - Meet (Rendez-vous)

SGT - Sergeant

SOP - Standard Operating Procedures

SQN - Squadron

SSC - Squadron Sponsoring Committee

SUPO - Supply Officer

SWO - Squadron Warrant Officer

TC - Transport Canada

TD - Temporary Duty

TRG - Training

TRGO - Training Officer

UCCMA - Unit Cadet Conflict Management Advisor

UHRA - Unit Human Rights Advisor

WO - Warning Order

WO1 - Warrant Officer First Class

WO2 - Warrant Officer Second Class

WRO - Weekly Routine Orders

© 2024-2025 614 Air Cadets Sponsoring Committee. All rights reserved.



1. This is an unofficial cadet website that is NOT intended to represent in any way the policies or procedures of either the Department of National Defense, the Canadian Armed Forces, or the Air Cadet League of Canada. This is NOT a Canadian Armed Forces website. The website is maintrained on behalf of the local sponsoring comittee of 614 Forest City Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron.


2. This website is intended for use by the cadets and parents of 614 Squadron, and prospective cadets and their parents, staff, and the local sponsoring comitte. The objective is to provide basic information aboutt the function of the squadron and to inform cadets, parents, and the local community about the Cadet Program and various events that will be taking place.​

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