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Theory of Flight PowerPoints


Click on the buttons below to open the PowerPoint in a new browser window.  Review all the information and be prepared to answer questions in 614 Flying Scholarship Ground School entrance exam.  These lessons are self study and the information will be required for the Power Pilot and Glider Pilot exam in January.

Aircraft Design - Parts of the aircraft and what they control.

Controls and Effects - Aircraft controls and their effects.

Lift and Drag - Forces acting on the aircraft.

Loads and Load Factors - Loading of the aircraft due to flight conditions.

Flight Controls - How and what controls the aircraft on the ground and in flight.

Laws and Forces - 4 forces acting on an aircraft.

Stalls - How and why an aircraft stalls.  Effects to reduce stalls.

Aircraft Stability - Stability factors affecting flight characteristics.

Aircraft Instruments - Cockpit instruments that are used by the pilot to control the aircraft in flight.

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